Festival Office
The Festival Office is the main point of contact for information about the Festival for our patrons as well as NFF volunteers and staff. You’ll be answering questions and providing information, both in person and over the phone. You will also be assisting Festival staff and Team Coordinators with administrative tasks, and taking down clear messages.
This team requires volunteers with friendly outgoing personalities who work well under pressure. Office and telephone experience, with good communication skills, are a must.
The Festival Office operates pre, during and post Festival, from the 13th-21st of April. Hours pre and post Festival are 9am-5pm, during the Festival the office operates 8am-10pm. Volunteer for this team are required to complete 20 hours of work. Those signing up for pre-Festival shifts are required to work 10 hours during the Festival. Shifts usually take a ‘rolling’ format, e.g., afternoon, evening, morning on consecutive days.
All volunteers are required to complete online induction and training that will be available through Rosterfy prior to the festival dates. Face-to-face training requirements will be advised by your Team Coordinator once you are confirmed as part of a team. Before the Festival your team Coordinator will also supply a handbook covering the important information you will need to know about the Festival and answer some FAQs you are likely to encounter.
Additional Information